Someone called me a name this morning. It caught me off guard on this sunny, happy day, when I was headed to the gym for a quick visit and then back to my home office. Parking is scarce, so on my third trip around the lot I saw someone leaving, rolled yoga mat in one hand, keys in the other. I followed her and waited with my blinker on for her to pull out...and another driver, coming from the opposite direction in full view of me and my peppy little turn signal indicating "that's mine, mine, mine," sped up and tucked herself into my space. Just. Like. That.
I don't engage with mean people - it's not worth it, especially these days, when anyone can be a "gun enthusiast." (Yes, there are quotes around it for a reason.) But I was annoyed, and I waited for the parking-space-thief to get out of her car, and said, reasonably, "You know, that wasn't very nice - you saw me waiting for that space." And she, totally understanding my even tone and the practicality of my statement, said, "I'm so sorry. You're right. Let me move my car."
Nah, that's not what happened. When I gave her my "wasn't very nice" line, she screwed up her face and hurled "B*TCH!" at me, and walked off. There are a few things that went through my head:
- How can someone be that mad and mean early in the morning?
- How can they blatantly take something meant for someone else?
- If I see her in the gym and say something else to her, will she beat me up?
First I seethed, then I settled. It's too bad that we can be feeling great and loving the entire universe, and one person can change the mood in a second or two. But releasing some endorphins helped. So did my trip to Target afterward, where I was filling a prescription and was told I had to wait 30 minutes, and I'm pretty sure I heard the pharmacist say, "Go get some new makeup." So I did, and then I retrieved my prescription, and when I got home I tried out my new cosmetics, and I must say that after I took a look at myself, I really AM quite the b*tch today.
© 2015 A Bit of Brie/Anitabrie
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